Subject Re: [firebird-support] 3050 tcp unable to connect remotely
Author Jules
IBExpert has communication tools / diagnostics that can detect the availabilty of gds_db & 3050 port access to a server without having to register and connect to a database. So from what I can determine the port is not communicating.

I have both gsd32.dll & fbclient.dll installed on my w2k client as I am also having to connect to a SuperServer installation on another remote computer.

I do understand the difference between connecting to the linux o/s and connecting to the security.fdb database where the users live. I do have this working and am able to query with GSEC> display

Key services that are displayed in RED are /opt/firebird/bin

-r-sr-s--- 1 firebird firebird 3128 Jan 24 00:08 fb_inet_server
-r-sr-s--- 1 firebird firebird 174708 Jan 24 00:08 fb_lock_mgr

-r-sr-s--- 1 firebird firebird 111664 Jan 24 00:08 gds_drop

I am able query services using ps -aux |grep fb

root 2926 0.0 0.0 3388 1092 ? S 12:51 0:00 /opt/firebird/bin/fb_lock_mgr

Something that may be important to consider;

This computer previously had an installation of FB1.02 SuperServer which I have removed using rpm -e "packagename". I have changed the pathing from /opt/interbase/bin to /opt/firebird/bin.

Would you recommend that I reload the linux fedora core4 o/s again before attempting to install FB Classic Server?

Many thanks for your help Helen.

Regards Julie

----- Original Message -----
From: Helen Borrie
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] 3050 tcp unable to connect remotely

At 11:28 AM 5/06/2006, you wrote:
>I'm having trouble connecting to my FRCS installation remotely. I'm
>sure its something simple and I have tried to solve but no luck so
>far... are you able to guide me? I have provided some information
>about the install. I'm trying to run on the default port (3050)
>using the standard installation.
>My error;
>Unable to complete remote communications request from Firebird
>Classic server. I am using Inexpert communication tools to test for
>port connectivity rather than DB connection.
>Failed to connect to host '',
>on port gds_db. Error Num: 10035.

A remote connection connects to a database, one way or another. You
don't just "connect to the server" or "connect to the port".

Don't know what Inexpert might be, but please provide the connection
parameters that you are using from the remote client.

A remote Linux client needs A remote Windows client
needs fbclient.dll.

i.e., what are you trying to connect *to*, what is the connection
string you use and what other connection parameters are you using
(username, password, etc., which will need to be SYSDBA user to start
with, and password as saved in SYSDBA.password file on the server.

>The background;
>I have installed FBCS1.5.3.4870-0 with the appropriate standard
>libraries on my posix (Fedora Core4) server as root. I am able to
>connect to databases using ./isql and select on databases
>tables. It appears that the FB services are running and the
>databases are open for business.

Locally, you are using the installed direct-connect client, This client won't work from a remote client.

>I have added root user to the firebird group.

Unnecessary. What you actually should do, if you are going to be
connecting locally, is make your regular username a member of the
firebird group.

Do you understand that remote connections to databases require the
Firebird authentication username and password ? Linux system users
don't connect to remote databases...well, they can, but the security
database has to know about them. Don't try to do it. Set up database users.

>I have used the FB installation guides to confirm the install and
>verify the /etc/xinet.d/firebird file.
>I can see that the /etc/services file contains gds_db 3050/tcp #
>Firebird SQL Database Remote Protocol
>I have not modified the /opt/firebird/firebird.conf from its
>original configuration.
>There is no firewall active on the server.
>I have noticed that the /opt/firebird/bin displays some of the key
>services in RED. See print screen image. (not sure if this is
>important or not).

Can't accept attachments in the list. What are you calling "key services"?

Looks confused.


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