Subject How to Convert this DBISAM SQL into Firebird SQL ?
Author Manuel Salinas

Can somebody help my how to convert this SQL (DBISAM) into Firebird SQL?
Select H.Numero,
Sum(if (H.concepto=1 then cast(H.valor as float) else cast(0 as
float))) as V1,
Sum(if (H.concepto=2 then cast(H.valor as float) else cast(0 as
float))) as V2,
Sum(if (H.concepto=13 then cast(H.valor as float) else cast(0 as
float))) as V13,
Sum(if (H.concepto=14 then cast(H.valor as float) else cast(0 as
float))) as V14,
Sum(if (H.concepto=16 then cast(H.valor as float) else cast(0 as
float))) as V16,
C.Apelp, C.Apelm, C.Nombre
From HistMov H, NomCatem C
where H.Numero = C.Numero
group by H.numero

This SQL Statement generates COLUMNS for the field "Concepto". In the
case of Concepto with the values of 1,2,13,14, or 16 does not exist,
the column will be 0. In other words, the result of values for
Concepto needs to be in COLUMNS.

Can somebody help me with this?

Thanks in advance.