Subject FireBird silent install missing options???
Author battleangel444
hopfully this is a simple question to answer...

I need to run a silent install of Firebird on other windows machines. The installer provides
many helpful arguments, but I can't seem to find a way from the command line to 1) install it
as an application and 2) do not start when the system boots up. The GUI installer provieds
these options, so I would assume there is a way to flag it during a silent install.

I run:
C:\FireBird_install>Firebird- /SP /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /LOG /
NOCANCEL /SAVEINF="c:INF.txt" /DIR="C:\opt\Firebird\Firebird_2_0" /
COMPONENTS="SuperServerComponent, ServerComponent,DevAdminComponent,
ClientComponent" /FORCE

Any thoughts?
Thanks again