Subject Re: Firebird 1.5 database size increasing
Author Bill Oliver
Thanks Ann, Daniel, for your reponses! Very helpful.

Ann, your SQL query for the system pages was quite useful, and served
to verify that I wasn't growing excessive TIP pages.

I had the user run the test again, and I see during the test cycle,
the test table grows excessively, and takes up 4891 pages on disk!

Primary pointer page: 333, Index root page: 334
Average record length: 0.03, total records: 325287
Average version length: 21.45, total versions: 324898, max
versions: 1
Data pages: 4891, data page slots: 4891, average fill: 91%
Fill distribution:
0 - 19% = 1
20 - 39% = 0
40 - 59% = 0
60 - 79% = 5
80 - 99% = 4885

When the test is complete and the database settles down the number of
data pages returns to 21:

Primary pointer page: 333, Index root page: 334
Average record length: 17.24, total records: 481
Average version length: 21.45, total versions: 92, max versions: 1
Data pages: 21, data page slots: 1842, average fill: 28%
Fill distribution:
0 - 19% = 9
20 - 39% = 7
40 - 59% = 4
60 - 79% = 0
80 - 99% = 1

Of course, since the data pages are never released, the database file
size grows.

My user says:

All transactions that are actually changing data, do a commit and
succeed. All hibernate operations are taking place within a database
transaction. This transaction is always rolled back. These
transactions will be across many tables, not just the 2 we are
focusing on.

So, now I am looking at the test case, to see if the rollback could be
replaced with a delete operation instead. I think this would reduce
the number of back versions created in this table.

Also, I'm not really clear as to how/when the back versions get
purged, so I will do some more analysis there.

Thanks, again!
