Subject Re: [firebird-support] "semaphoes are exhausted" using Firebird CS on Linux.
Author Steve Wiser

I just saw this happening on one of my servers a few weeks ago. We
traced it to a 20 minute long select query that was creating temp files
that in turn were filling up the /tmp partition. We ended up changing
the query because it obviously was not the most efficient thing to look
at and it now runs in 5 minutes (still kind of long) but barely uses a
sort file. By the way this server had plenty of RAM (8 GB) and a lot of
it was free.


KIMURA, Meiji wrote:
> Hi All,
> In one of my customer envirionment using FirebirdCS on linux, a Firebird output an error message to
> firebird.log as below, and I cannot connect DB of firebird.
> Fatal lock manager error: semaphores are exhausted, errno: 11
> In the environment, this error occurs once a three-month. When this error occurs,
> I cannot connect DB of firebird. I checked process on this computer and found the processes
> of old (started yesterday or older) firebird. When I killed these, then new processes of firebird
> runs.
> I understood this error is related with 'LockSemCount' parameter in firebird.conf and *real*
> semaphore limitation of Linux system. But I'm not sure that increment of LockSemCount solove this
> problem. Please give me an information about this error or semaphores.
> [Environment]
> Firebird: CS-
> Linux: Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 3(Taroon Update2)
> Middleware: JayBird1.5.5
> Memory: 2G-byte
> Regards,
> KIMURA, Meiji(FAMILY, Given)
> Tokyo, JAPAN
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