Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird 1.5.3 and 2.0RC2 on the same linux box
Author Flavio Costa
> --- Dimitry Sibiryakov <SD@...> wrote:
> >When I restore the backup to 2.0, I get the following message:
> >
> >gbak: cannot commit index FK_PERFIL_USUARIO
> >gbak: ERROR: unsuccessful metadata update
> >gbak: ERROR: partner index segment no 1 has incompatible data type
> >
> >Is there any issues doing this (using different versions of firebird
> >on same machine)? What are the necessary steps?
> Your problem is not two versions on the same machine. Your problem
> is in your database. FB2 is more strict and intolerant for mistakes.
> According to the error message you have string field refering to
> integer field in FK or something like this.
> --
> SY, Dimitry Sibiryakov.

You´re right. There was an unused column of type CHAR in the table referencing an INTEGER
column on foreign table.

Thank you.

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