Subject pointer page vanished from mark_full (256)
Author robertgilland
Don't know what to do next.

I am trying to back up a data base.
have already run mend:

%gfix%" -mend -full -ignore "localhost:%path%\COMPANY.GDB"

This came up with a "1 record level error"

then ran

"%gbak%" -B -v -i -se localhost:service_mgr
"localhost:%path%\COMPANY.GDB" "%path%\COMPANY.GBK"

got the following result.

gbak: 29020000 records written
gbak: 29040000 records written
gbak: ERROR: internal gds software consistency check (pointer page
vanished from mark_full (256))
gbak: ERROR: gds_$receive failed
gbak: Exiting before completion due to errors
gbak: ERROR: internal gds software consistency check (can't continue
after bugcheck)

I have Helen's firebird book, I cannot find what I can do next.

