Subject Re: [firebird-support] Moving from wxp to linux64 problem
Author Ivan Prenosil
>I am trying to move a database
> from a wxp machine running firebird SS 1.5.3
> to a suse9.2 64 machine running SS 2.0RC1 64
> this where the steps
> gbak -b -t -v MYTEST.FDB MYTEST.FBK -user sysdba -password mypass
> gbak runs to finish without problems and I move the
> MYTABLE.FBK file to the linux machine
> there I run
> gbak -r -v MYTEST.FBK MYTEST.FDB user sysdba password mylinuxpass
> and I get following message:
> gbak: ERROR:size specification either missing or incorrect
> for file MYTEST.FDB
> gbak:Exiting before completion due to errors

Try this
gbak -r -v MYTEST.FBK MYTEST.FDB -user sysdba -password mylinuxpass
