Subject How do you trim fetched char/varchar column?
Author Jeff Lynn
In the same test query I ran:

select id, name from Staff;

with sqlda defined as:

pSqlda->sqlvar[1].sqldata = (char *)&name;
pSqlda->sqlvar[1].sqltype = SQL_TEXT + 1;
pSqlda->sqlvar[1].sqlind = &nameFlag;

where name is declared as char(64).

What I got is:

id: 10 name: Amy Ambrose
id: 110 name: Barbara Betty

I tried using trim function to trim the returned name but that didn't
fix it.

If only I know the fetched data length, then I can physically trim the
returned string by inserting a 0x00 at the proper length.

In other commercial databse APIs that I used, the pSQLDA->sqllen
contains the actual fetched data length returned. But in Firebird,
this field returns the max. size of the column.

Any idea?
