Subject help with a select, i m out of ideas.
Author Fabio Gomes
Hi guys :)

I making a little report here, and i need to know the 20 clients that bought
more in value and in quantity, so i came up with this select:

SELECT FIRST 20 SUM(V.vnd_total) as TOTAL, SUM(I.item_qtde) AS QTDE,
JOIN items_venda I ON (I.vnd_cod=V.vnd_cod)
JOIN clientes C ON (C.cli_cod=V.cli_cod)
WHERE vnd_data BETWEEN '2006-01-01' AND '2006-01-31'
GROUP BY C.cli_nome
ORDER BY SUM(V.vnd_total) DESC

It works as expected, with just one little problem.

My table items_venda, is a table that has the items of my sellings.. so for
each row in the vendas table i have several rows in the items, one for each
item, and when i run the query it sum the V.vnd_total field once for each
item, but it should sum the V.vnd_total just once, and then sum the items.

Is there a way to make it sum just once? using a subselect or something like

And another weird stuff is.. if i use ASC in ORDER BY, it orders from the
lowest value to the highest.. kinda weird.

I dont know if i make myself clear my english vocabulary is kinda poor and i
cant find a more clear way to explain this.

Thanx in advance for any help.

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