Subject Firebird 1.5.3 can't create new database on Linux
Author dr_bentonquest
Hi there,

Why am not being able to create a new database here?

[root@linux aguila]# /opt/firebird/bin/isql

Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
SQL> create database "test1.fdb";
Statement failed, SQLCODE = -902

I/O error for file "/opt/aguila/test1.fdb"
-Error while trying to create file
-Permission denied

The "/opt/aguila" directory is owned by the firebird user, and I am
logged in as root. The problem persists even if I change the ownership
of the directory to root. And there is plenty of free disk space on
the partition.

I am using Firebird 1.5.3 SuperServer under Mandrake Linux Release 9.1

Any clues?

