Subject Re: Waiting for Vulcan from version 1.5
Author simonbenedicic

You are not alone in waiting on Vulcan :)
FB2 broke so many applications and tools (IBObjects TDataset ... it
will take long time to make it stable again) that we will probably
skip it or wait for 2.1.

Re: FB 1.5 ... You can stop FB server and copy newer files over the
older with no problem. The only problem might be gds32.dll ... if you
want to replace this one - restart of the machine might be required.
But replaceing gds32.dll is not mandatory, there is no problem using
even older one (from IB6).

Best regards,

--- In, "Eduardo A. Salgado"
<eas@...> wrote:
> Looking at the Firebird Roadmap, we may wait until Vulcan (late next
> year) to consider changing our servers from version 1.5.x.
> In the mean time, we have over 120 locations most of them with version
> of the server running. What would be the best way to
> update them all to 1.5.4 (as the last version 1.5) for the next year
> or so and get the stability and bug fixes of the latest builds?
> Would simply stopping the services and copying the new files over the
> old files be sufficient? Or do we have to run uninstall at each
> location and then install the newer 1.5.4 distribution?
> Any experience with this? Comments?
> Thanks!
> -Eduardo