Subject Re: Firebird restarting
Author Michael Vilhelmsen
--- In, "Michael Vilhelmsen"
<Michael.Vilhelmsen@...> wrote:
> > > No - Not as far as I know.
> > > I will check up on it - but I'm rather confident, that there wasn't
> > > any updates applied to the server.
> >
> > are auto updates set to download and install?
> > Alan
> I'm working on finding out.
> Is my colleque who is responibel for maintaining the server.
> He will get back to me shortly ...
> But for fun - Lets assume it is active.
> Do you know of any update from MS that could give me this problem ?
> Wouldn't there have been others reporting the same or similuar

No updates has been installed.

But we just found an error entry in the LOG file from friday, which we
havn't had before....

DBSRV04 (Client) Fri Dec 15 19:19:12 2006
C:\Program Files (x86)\Firebird\Firebird_1_5\bin\fbserver.exe:
terminated abnormally (4294967295)

DBSRV04 (Client) Fri Dec 15 19:19:14 2006
Guardian starting: C:\Program Files

DBSRV04 (Server) Fri Dec 15 19:25:31 2006
SERVER/process_packet: out of memory

DBSRV04 (Client) Fri Dec 15 19:25:31 2006
C:\Program Files (x86)\Firebird\Firebird_1_5\bin\fbserver.exe:
terminated abnormally (4294967295)
