Subject Re: [firebird-support] FB2 Integer overflow
Author Helen Borrie
At 08:23 PM 11/12/2006, you wrote:
>On one of our client server where I did an upgrade from Fb1.5 to Fb2 I
>had the the following problem when executing a query (this copy about
>5e6 of records from table ATABLE to an archive table ATABLE_20060701):
>insert into ATABLE_20060701 select * from ATABLE where ATime < '2006-07-01';
>The message I've got is:
>Integer overflow
>insert into ATABLE_20060701 select * from ATABLE where ATime < '2006-07-01';
>Any idea what is the problem?

A common cause of this would be where you have defined a column of
type Integer to hold a value produced from a generator, that you
populate by a trigger. Generators are BigInt; so, when the generator
reaches the number 2,147,483,648 it will overflow.
