Subject fbclient seems to access firebird.conf !?!?
Author bausufm
i have installed interbase5.6 and FB2.0 on my machine .
in firebird.conf i set remoteserviceport=3055 to be able to run
interbase and firebird simultanously on my machine.

but when i start a program which connects to another server with fb1.5
intalled i get the message
"No connection could be made because the target machine actively
refused it."
with error code -902.

i renamed the registry key
defaultinstance under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Firebird Project\Firebird Server\Instances\
to defaultinstanceXX
on my local machine

now i can connect to the firebird 1.5 database on the remote machine.

my guess is:
fbclient.dll looks for a firebird.conf on my machine. it finds one for
my local firebird2.0 installation.

why does the fbclient.dll make use of the firbird.conf of my local
firebird-installation to connect to a remote server?

that does'nt make sense?
