Subject Convert DBISAM Sql to Firebird Sql
Author Manuel Salinas

Can somebody help me converting this sql to run in Firebird 1.5.3?
This Sql statement generates a Pivot table, if "concepto" does not
exist for a "Numero", the resulting column for that row will be 0.

Select Numero,
Sum(if (concepto=1 then cast(valor as float) else cast(0 as float)))
as Val1,
Sum(if (concepto=80 then cast(valor as float) else cast(0 as float)))
as Val80,
Sum(if (concepto=85 then cast(valor as float) else cast(0 as float)))
as Val85
From Movtos
group by numero

I was reading it could be possible using Stored Procedures... can
somebody share with me an example?

Thanks in advance.