Subject Re: [firebird-support] Local Connection and Default Windows User
Author = m. Th =
Paul Vinkenoog wrote:
> Hi Guido,
>>> Do you run Classic? Then you *must* connect network-style, via
>>> localhost (or the real hostname). This goes for all users, up to
>>> and including Administrator.
>> No I run Super Server.
> That's strange. So you have Firebird 1.5 Superserver running on
> Windows XP. The server is functioning fine, because you can connect to
> your database with TCP/IP via localhost. But a local connection fails.
> I don't have a solution but I do have a suggestion: try to make a
> local connection as Administrator, and/or as the user that owns the
> Firebird process (if it isn't Localsystem). That will at least give
> you some additional information:
> - If Admin can't connect either, the local protocol isn't functioning.
> - If he (and/or the Fb process owner) can connect, it must have
> something to do with access rights (but access to what?)
Read/write rights on database file.
Try to see the rights on the file with the problematic user logged on.
(right-click on file, choose 'Properties' on tab 'Security' you must see
the user's name (or group) having Read/write - or, better 'Full
control', checked on database file. IIRC, only the FB2.0 does
impersonalisation and only on TCP/IP layer (ie. on FB1.5 the user must
have rights on the db file).


m. th.

> Greetings,
> Paul Vinkenoog