Subject RE : [firebird-support] Restoring a backup to a running database
Author Hoang-Vu PHUNG
Hi Zoran,

I'm not a specialist in FB neither a frequent user,
but I think that:

On windows platform, there is some mechanisme to
lock the file in use

On other platform, the lock could be only advisory
lock - not a OS lock so it might be dangerous to
modify the database concurrently like you try to
experiment that.

And FB is not running only on window platform.
Correct me if I'm wrong... So I could learn


--- Zoran Zivkovic <zilez2003@...> a écrit :

> Hi All,
> I would like to ask for comments on the "Restoring a
> backup to a
> running database" issue. In FB2quick start there is
> noted (and I
> think I saw it before) that if you try to do restore
> on a running
> database "database coruption is almost certain to be
> the result". I
> tried to do this, and I received a error:
> Unsuccessful execution caused by system error that
> does not preclude
> successful execution of subsequent statements.
> lock time-out on wait transaction
> object C:\TEST.GDB is in use
> could not drop database C:\EuroIb\EuroAuto2006.GDB
> (database might be
> in use)
> Therefore, How is it possible to corrupt database,
> if there is no
> possibility to replace existing database if it is in
> use ? For me it
> looks like impossible.
> I use FB1.5.3 or IB in everyday use/tests,
> but I think there
> is no changes in this behaviour against FB 2.0 ?
> Regards
> Zoran Zivkovic

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