Subject Re: Classic or supe rserver?
Author Adam
--- In, Mitch Peek <mitchp@...> wrote:
> Here is the scenario....
> I have several middle tiers (5 presently )app servers each maintaining
> 3 or 4 connections to a single database.
> I could host the middle tier apps on 1 or more servers in a DMZ, and
> leave the database on its own server, the configuration for which could
> be about anything we choose.
> I was thinking 1 or two small servers for the middle tier apps, a
> separate single machine ( perhaps multiple processors if classic is
> used) (1.5.3 BTW). in addition, in house, perhaps as many as 5
> additional connections directly to the database ( not through the
> middle tiers).
> My question, is whether to use super server, or classic in this
> scenario? either way, define the hardware for the database server...
> and perhaps the firebird.conf settings, in an optimal situation.
> Virtually no limits to memory, machine, etc. within reason. i would
> like to limit the cost of a new DB server to between 5k-10K US.
> The database will be fairly high volume of inserts, and less
> a few nasty queries for reporting ( a few times per day).
> I considered a warehouse for reporting, and may eventually move that
> direction, but for now, the normalized database serves both purposes.
> So we are looking at between 15 and 25 simultaneous connections with
> nearly constant activity on inserts/updates, and only occasional
> queries. (insert volume around 1000 records per minute, not huge).
> Suggestions?

Just adding to Set's suggestion.

Pretty much any server could handle 1000 inserts per second. My laptop
manages nearly 10000 per second running on batteries.

You mention you have a few nasty queries. It would be wise to spend
your resources trying to optimise the statements to take the nasty
edge off them. If this is not possible, then you could backup the
database and restore it to a different server and run your nasty
queries on that server.

As far as Classic or Superserver, since you have quite a good budget,
I would go for a SMP machine with Classic Server.
