Subject an error in executing SQL command with Command Prompt
Author karatebito0725
hi. I have currently started learning SQL with Firebird, so I have
little knowledge in this category. So please be advised.

I have tried to execute a SQL statement, which is saved as a WordPad
file(file name: createdb0102.sql) as shown below.

CREATE DATABASE 'C:\temp\sample.gdb'

(by the way, I am Japanese so the database would be designed for
Japanese characters.)

And for execution, Command Prompt reads as follows

>isql -i createdb0102.sql

However the message shows

>Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
>Expected end of statement, encounterd EOF

this second message is what I don`t understand. This is an error
message isn`t it? The database I am trying to create hasn`t been
created. I have no idea why. Could anyone help me out?
I am sure that Firebird is properly running. The SQL statement seems
OK. File location is also OK. I appreciate your support!