Subject Secondary Files
Author Leandro Pfleger de Aguiar

I need to specify a size limit to my primary gdb file with a size lower them 3 Gb (what is automatic, as i know). I intend to limit this file to 1Gb then, after start to fill a secondary file. To do this i used the folowing command to test:

SQL> create database '/database/test.gdb'
CON> length = 2000
CON> FILE '/database/test2.gdb' starting at 2001;

I think that could limit test.gdb to 2000 pages only, but the secondary file was not filled automaticaly.
Can anybody say me why ?

Tanks !
Leandro Pfleger de Aguiar
Analista de Sistemas
Rua Lauro Linhares, 2123 Torre B Sl.306
88036-002 - Florianópolis - SC - Brasil
Fone/Fax: (48) 234-6696

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