Subject Why is this telling me
Author Clay Shannon
Why does this SQL:

update clients c1

set c1.client_id =

(select min(c2.client_id) from clients c2

where (c2.firstname = c1.firstname) and

(c2.middlename = c1.middlename) and

(c2.lastname = c1.lastname))

Tell me "Validation error for column client_id value "***null***"

There are no nulls in that column.

Note: This is data pumped over from an Access table which, I just found out,
uses multiple id vals for the same client (a client's first record has ID
331, next one is 594, etc. IOW it's just a counter/generator-type value). I,
of course, want the client to have one and only one client_id value.

Clay Shannon,

Dimension 4 Software

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