Subject Followup on yesterday, for any FB/IntraWeb/Delphi/FIB+ users
Author Clay Shannon

In the IntraWeb .pdf manual produced by Falafel software, it states:

"If you link your datasource properties to a datamodule at design time, your

datamodules MUST be owned by the users WebApplication. This is done by
setting the

datamodule's owner to the session data's owner, which is the WebApplication

If this is not done, the forms will not be read in properly and all the
forms will be

linked to the first and same datamodule."

I'm having problems connecting to my (Firebird) database in a standalone IW
7.2 app

(using FIB+ components), and wondering if the "your datamodules MUST be
owned by the

users WebApplication" statement is what I need to accomplish to get my mojo

My problem is, to test this out, I need to know just how to do that. Does
anybody have a snippet

of code that shows how this is done. I assume it'd be something like:

<Datamodulename>.Owner := WebApplication;

I have a TpFIBDatabase component and a TpFIBTransaction component (so far)
on a

UserSessionUnit. The TpFIBDatabase component's properties are set the same
as they are

in a conventional (C/S) app, yet I can't connect (at design time or run
time). The err msg is that my user name and

password are not defined, but that's not true...

Delphi 7

Firebird 1.5

IntraWeb 7.2.21

FIB+ 6.1.0

Clay Shannon,

Dimension 4 Software

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