Subject Re: [firebird-support] Invalid request handle / SQLDA missing
Author Helen Borrie
At 02:45 PM 15/08/2005 +0200, you wrote:
>I was running an unattended weekend test of a machine containing a
>firbeird 1.5 database and caught three ugly exceptions.
>I am connecting to FB from a VB.NET application using the FB data adapter. I
>First I received one "invalid request handle" then I received two
>"Dynamic SQL Error
>SQL error code = -804
>SQLDA missing or incorrect version, or incorrect number/type of variables"
>All three errors where within one second and after that my application
>restarted itselfe and it worked perfectly again. It did not restart the
>firebird server (running on the same machine).
>The errors occured on three different calls to the database so it is
>probably not eroneous data in the call.
>Does anyone have any idea what may cause these kinds of errors?

They are all aspects of a single stack of client error conditions. This
appears to be something to do with a stored procedure that was executed
when it should have been selected from, or vice versa; or one that was
executed either with arguments missing or with the wrong values assigned
to the arguments.

Post your problem to the firebird-net-provider group, providing and example
of the request and conditions which were in effect when the exceptions
occurred. There you should be able to find out what got lost and how you
managed to lose it.
