Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Some feed back on a possible gotcha
Author Martijn Tonies
Hello Set,

> > My earlier response may be viewed by others as a bad rap for DB
> > WorkBench.
> I doubt it - you never said you were using DB Workbench to update your
> stored procedure...
> And it is Firebird that ought to give a warning about changing the
> parameters of a stored procedure that is called by another procedure,
> it is not the responsibility of DB Workbench, IMHO (well, unless
> Firebird gives a warning that DB Workbench decides not to pass on to
> the user).

No, it passes on errors to the user for sure.

But I must say that I thought Firebird did raise errors in these cases,
at least, it does so when removing a (used) parameter.

A quick test, however, show that it does not when adding a parameter.

Even removing a parameter doesn't raise an error. Weird.

>Or can DB Workbench parse stored procedures and identify
> which tables, views, stored procedures and UDFs they reference and are
> referenced by? If so, I am impressed.

Nope, it doesn't do that :-)

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL, Oracle & MS SQL
Upscene Productions
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