Subject What is better MySQL vs Firebird
Author Carlos Ortiz Quiros

I don't know if I can post to this mailing list the
following question.

Recently my enterprise is looking for a database which
TCO is lower than $14.000 dollars license for SQL
Server for the Internet.

I am evaluating Firebird as Open Source but I need to
evaluate MySQL as well for only the fact that MySQL is
6Million user-base and FireBird 1Million user-base but
need to decide which is better.

I think there should be a comparison or a document
that tells which is better database than other.

I prefer Firebird due to its support for stored
procedures and triggers and more than 20 years of code
base in the market, MySQL is only implementing this
stuff, but...

That is my concern, can anybody guide my thoughts?

Carlos Adolfo Ortiz Q

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