Subject RE: [firebird-support] Need clarification on remote firebird connection
Author Alan McDonald
> Dear all,
> Please help me to clarify some questions on two firebird server
> connected
> remotely.
> 1. When server 1 is sending data to server 2 and the connection
> breaked,
> will server 1 keep trying to send data to server 2 or will the
> process time
> out automatically?
> 2. Assuming the process will time out automatically, is it safe to
> connect
> these two server at all time (knowing the remote connection will
> break at
> random time) or just connect and disconnect everytime when demand is
> needed?
> Using Firebird superserver 1.5 on Win 2003 server
> Please apologize for my poor english.
> Thanks,
> Kenneth Man

how does server 1 send data to server 2?
FB does not provide a means for this. Are you talking about one client
attached to two servers?