Subject RE: [firebird-support] Hi All,
Author Alan McDonald
> I'm a Firebird novice. Is there existing setings for Internet
> connetion on Firebird?
> Can suggest somebody tips how to make faster the database connetion
> via the Internet?
> I have a program which is runing very fast on local network but very
> slow on Internet connection. The speed is about 30-40 Kbit/sec now.
> I use broadband Internet connection (1024/512), so the speed should be
> much higher. What is the problem?
> Thank you for any help!!!!
> Zsolt

You need a middle tier for this - some people have reported that zedebee is
good for this - It's a proxy offering compression and encryption. It also
manages better (larger) packet sizes for the over the WAN connection which
is where FB falls down at the moment (too many small packets for good
speed). I use zebedee for replication services (wroks well) but I don't know
how well it performs on a C/S type connection for an end user.