Subject Re: Firebird 1.5.2 client on Win 2000
Author Adam
--- In, "Tony Masefield"
<polsolsa@y...> wrote:
> Hi All,
> An update to the original post on this subject:
> When I initially copied the FDB file to the server from my laptop I
> had had to log on as the server administrator. After doing this the
> application on my laptop ran fine, even though the connection to
> server was disconnected/reconnected a few times.
> When trying the app on the Win 2000 client it wouldn't work.
> However, logging on to the server yesterday from the Win 200
> as administrator, and then trying the app now works.

Something in your app trying to write to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE?

> Obviously I'm missing something here in terms of the necessity to
> log onto the server in the first instance (the FDB is, BTW, in a
> shared folder on the server).


Get it out of the shared folder.
Never share the folder with the fdb in it, apart from not being able
to connect to firebird over a share, it throws your security baby out
with the bath water.

Download the Quick Start Guide

It needs to be logged in if it is installed as an application, but if
it is installed as a service, then you can leave it logged out.

Perhaps some other software is shutting down TCP or something nasty
like that in the BG.

> Why logging on to the server just once should cause the app to run
> from that point forward I don't understand. I had assumed
> wrongly) that setting the port at 3050 would bypass the server log-
> on requirements.

It is running it as a service that bypasses the log on requirements,
I am guessing your environment is causing your troubles, not Firebird.

> Actually, at the moment, the FDB is resident on the application
> server which also runs a commercial Oracle based program (which in
> turn is connected to a DB server). The Oracle program is still
> under "development/modification" (for the last 10 months) so I am
> trying to avoid any 'interference' with this aspect.
> The one thing I haven't checked yet is what strain of Windows is
> running on the application server at this time.

The application server being the Firebird server? Check the version
as it may explain a few things.