Subject Re: [firebird-support] Checksum of a Database
Author Ivan Cruz
R. S. Patil wrote:

>Dear Friends,
>To ensure that there is no change in database between
>subsequent official turnoffs and turn ons my client
>is demanding "checksum of the database" to be
Under linux:

/opt/firebird/bin/gbak -B [host]:[databasePath] [backupFilePath] -USER
SYSDBA -PAS [sysdbaPass]
gzip -c [backupFilePath] > [gzipedFilePath]
md5sum --binary [gzipedFilePath] > [md5FilePath]

These 3 commands will generate: a Firerbird backup, the backup packed and
a MD5 check-sum from the packed backup. Under windows will have to
find binary versions on gzip and md5sum, or substitute gzip by 7zip (check


PS: Don't worry about the weakness found recently on MD5 algorithm, it's
strong enough for tasks like that.