Subject Re: [firebird-support] NUMERIC(18,6) PRECISION
Author Martijn Tonies

> I have my currency fields defined to be a NUMERIC(18,6), but I have
> precision problems.
> If I enter this value: -654646 FB stores this: -654646,000000000116
> Is there any way of avoiding this?

Yes, use a dialect 3 database.

> What is the best format for currency values?

Numeric, in dialect 3.

> I can't use this in my apps, because if I compare the user -654646 is <>
> of the DB -654646,000000000116,
> and this will cause many conflicts.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL, Oracle & MS SQL
Upscene Productions