Subject Why the JOIN is soooo long? (Forget the first message!)
Author mona yazbeck

I've been working on one particular query that gives me so much trouble.

SELECT Cheque.DATEDEPOT, RapportFiduciePart5.IDGROUPE,
RapportFiduciePart5.IDDOSSIER, RapportFiduciePart5.NOCHEQUE,
RapportFiduciePart5.montantClient AS MontantTot,
RapportFiduciePart5.chequeRemis, RapportFiduciePart5.nomComplet,
RapportFiduciePart5.DATEDEPOT AS DateDuDepotDuCheque,
FROM Cheque
INNER JOIN RapportFiduciePart5
ON Cheque.IDCHEQUE= RapportFiduciePart5.refNSF;

IDCHEQUE and refNSF are both INTEGER. When I do a similar query with One
integer and one Text Field using "" & integer = text, it works great.

RapportFiduciePart5 is a Query and alone, it runs pretty fast
Cheque is a Table

Any ideas?
