Subject Privileges - How To??
Author brcr11
I'm a dumby!! I have a very simple DB with 5-6 tables and 3 users. I
set the privileges for user = user1 to no privileges on all tables yet
in my app I can attach with that user ID and password, access and
modify data in the tables. I've tried setting the privileges using
IBEasy+ and with isql command line. The isc4.gdb file in the
Firebird/bin directory gets modified, IBEasy+ seems to work OK but my
app just merrily accesses and modifies the DB no matter what. With the
same user and password IBEasy+ won't even let me look at the tables. I
assume my app is looking at the isc4.gdb DB since password verification
works OK and it's the only isc4 file on the machine. HELP????