Subject Error on backup
Author Tim Gahnström
I get this error

Arithmetic overflow or division by zero has occurred.
arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation.

When I try to bakup my database, I have tried to google for it but have found nothing related to backups.

The database appears to be working well enough but it is a little bit scary to not be able to back it up. I don't get any errors when I validate it.

I have made alot of changes since the last backup, such as adding fields and changing domains etc. I also noticed that I could change the domain of a column from string to date without any errors even though it was refferenced from a few SPs but I didn't give it any thought at the time. Might it be related in some way?

I tried emptying some ofending tables (where the error appeared to happen) and it worked a little (atleas it moved the error tosomewhere else) but now I am stuck, it didn't help emptying the T_UPLOADS table.

I don't know what information to supply to help in sorting this out but here are the last rowns of the gbak output:

gbak: writing parameter CARDHOLDER_LAST_NAME for stored procedure
gbak: writing exceptions
gbak: writing Character Sets
gbak: writing Collations
gbak: writing data for table T_TRANSACTION_ROW_CONTENT
gbak: 0 records written
gbak: writing index RDB$PRIMARY7
gbak: writing data for table T_CART_ROWS
gbak: 0 records written
gbak: writing index PK_T_TRANSACTION_ROWS
gbak: writing data for table T_TRANSACTION_ROWS
gbak: 0 records written
gbak: writing data for table T_CART_ROW_CONTENT
gbak: 0 records written
gbak: writing index PK_T_UPLOADS
IBE: Backup completed. Current time: 00:03:46. Elapsed time: 00:04:15
