Subject GBAK backup failure
Author Bob Murdoch
I'm running FB 1.5 in Classic mode on a W2K3 Server. We have an 18GB
database that we backup and restore to a test location every night.

Friday morning, the backups started failing. Looking at the GBAK log
does not help - the last line in the file is truncated, showing
something like this:

gbak: 150000 records written
gbak: 1510

Logging into the console of the server, I see that there is an error
message saying the Firebird caused an error and must be shut down -
although it seems to be only the instance that GBAK was connected to.

I then ran gfix -v -f, and had multiple index page errors, as well as
orphan records. I could not tell exactly which index of a table was
affected (the error messages would say "Index 1 of table aaa..."), so
I deactivated/reactived all non-pk/fk indices on the tables listed. I
then ran a gfix -m, and found no errors. However, a subsequent backup
failed in the same manner as the first (although it took nearly 3
times as long as normal, presumably cleaning up after gfix).

I am now trying a backup with the -g -ig -nt switches to see what

Can anyone suggest any other avenues of attack? We are now operating
without a net - our last good backup was Thursday morning...


Bob M..

-----Original Message-----
From: FL61SQ03 [mailto:FL61SQ03]
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 5:59 PM
To: bobm@...; chaines@...
Subject: FL61SQ03 Database backup results

Performing Database backup and restore. Please wait.
Sun 04/10/2005
02:00 PM
Starting backup process
02:00 PM

Backup process complete
05:59 PM

Backup errors = -1073741819

Backup File(s) Information ===
Volume in drive E has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 169B-2155

Directory of E:\IB\Delperf\Backup

04/10/2005 02:30 PM 2,000,000,000 01FDS.gdb.Bak
04/10/2005 02:59 PM 2,000,000,000 02FDS.gdb.Bak
04/10/2005 04:37 PM 2,000,000,000 03FDS.gdb.Bak
04/10/2005 05:10 PM 2,000,000,000 04FDS.gdb.Bak
04/10/2005 05:37 PM 2,000,000,000 05FDS.gdb.Bak
04/10/2005 05:58 PM 1,276,001,880 06FDS.gdb.Bak
04/10/2005 02:00 PM 100 07FDS.gdb.Bak
04/10/2005 02:00 PM 100 08FDS.gdb.Bak
04/10/2005 02:00 PM 100 09FDS.gdb.Bak
9 File(s) 11,276,002,180 bytes
0 Dir(s) 197,578,665,984 bytes free
05:59 PM
The Backup Command Failed
Backup of database did not take place