Subject Re: Odbc-problems2
Author poneyc
> >Any more thoughts from anyone on this?
> Configure ODBC data source to use exactly the same connection
> string as Deplhi application.
> BTW, this connection string should be in form
> <server name><protocol sign><DB file path from FB _server_ POV>
> --
> SY, Dimitry Sibiryakov.

Thanks for the suggestions. I contacted the developer of the Delphi
application and got the connection string. The connection string I am
using is exactly the same as the connection string used by the thick
client, and the problem still persists. It looks like this:\database\databasename.gdb

As I said, I can connect through ODBC just fine to an instance which
has no other connections, and multiple instances of the thick client
can all connect at the same time, but I cannot connect through ODBC
and get the "Connection failed! File database is in use by another
process." error when trying to connect when any thick client instances
are also connected.

So, I'm still at a loss to explain this. It seems strange that
multiple thick clients can all connect, and that I can connect through
ODBC when no thick clients are connected, but that I cannot connect
through ODBC when any thick clients are connected.

Sorry to sound like a broken record, but once again, any more thoughts
from anyone? Anything else I should be doing to track down the
problem? Seems like it has to be something obvious I'm just missing.


Poney Carpenter