Subject restore problem
Author Sudheer Palaparambil

When I tried to restore a backup file using IB Expert I go the following error
and the process aborted abnormally with the following errors.

With Index deactivated
gbak: restoring privilege for user SYSDBA
gbak: restoring privilege for user SYSDBA
gbak: creating indexes
IBE: index cannot be used in the specified plan
index ACCOUNT_BOOK_CB cannot be used in the specified plan.

IBE: Restore completed. Current time: 10:22:10 PM. Elapsed time: 00:00:54

With Index activated
gbak: restoring index FK_ACCOUNT_HEADS_TO_SUB_SCH
gbak: restoring index RDB$FOREIGN34
IBE: index cannot be used in the specified plan
index RDB$PRIMARY17 cannot be used in the specified plan.

IBE: Restore completed. Current time: 10:25:05 PM. Elapsed time: 00:00:46

Backup was taken from a FB 1.5 SS running on RH Linux 9 and I tried the restore
process on FB SS 1.5.2 on W2K.

Now what should I do to complete the restore.

Please help

Thank you
