Subject Some issues with 1.5.2 on amd64 gentoo linux
Author Francesco Lamonica
Hi, i wanted to give the 1.5.2 a try on my linux 64bit box (since it
is not a production box i was not worried bout the possibility of db

1) the emerge and compilation (superserver) went just fine but when i
tried to start the server i got: a lot of the following messages:

Sandstorm (Server) Wed Feb 9 15:36:58 2005
SERVER/process_packet: connection rejected for firebird

the server seems to have started nonetheless as i was able to access

2) when trying to access db that were created with fb 1.0.3 (linux
32bit classic) i got the following error message that prevented me to
go further in my tests:

SQL> connect '/home/franci/prog/usmanager/localusdata-test.fdb';
Statement failed, SQLCODE = -902

internal gds software consistency check (wrong record length (183))

i tried to look it up on the release note but found nothing on the subject.
any ideas?
