Subject OT: Problem trying out V2.0 snapshot build
Author ben_ata
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, please re-direct me if
I'm wrong.

I'm trying to run a V2.0 snapshot build. The server starts up fine,
and is listening to the port configured in my firebird.conf (different
port then the 1.5 install is using) so I'm pretty sure it's using the
correct home directory (removed the settings from the registry)

(This is a "clean" install. I simply unpacked the zip file, and I'm
not using any of the files from the 1.5 installation, including the

But when I'm trying to create a database (basically following the
instructions from the 1.5 "QuickStart"), I'm getting an error message.

SQL> create database 'tk.fdb' user 'SYSDBA' password 'MASTERKEY';
Statement failed, SQLCODE = -902
cannot attach to password database

I found a note regarding this error in "security_database.txt" in the
CVS tree, but as I'm not using an old 1.5 security db I guess this
does not apply.

Am I missing something, or is this simply currently not working (I can
live with that, no problem)?

The exact build is: WI-T Firebird 2.0
I'm running this on a W2K machine
