Subject Re: Using Firebird with Visual FoxPro
> Simple ones are never a problem, but complex one (I use VFP6) will stop
> opening, even if you have created it in VFP6 and for that you have
to use
> ViewEditor.

That is correct, the practical limit in VFP6 being 2 tables, but even
that is a good start to a complex view. VFP8 has a much better view
designer but even so, I only use to add the tables and fields and
perhaps some of the join conditions and then use ViewEditor to refine
the view.

Anyway, I am able to use the VFP View designer with a Firebird
database so now I'm looking at performance. Firstly, I have to write a
data pump seeing as I don't want to spend money on thiat. Later on
today I'll copy about 2 gigs of live data into the FB database and
then try a few queries on it and see how it reacts. Should be interesting.
