Subject Re: [firebird-support] Using Firebird with Visual FoxPro
Author Doru Constantin
Dorian wrote:

>We have apps with firebird engine and foxpro for user interface.
>I used Visual Fox 7.0, Firebird ODBC driver v1.2 , Firebird 1.5.1
>(Windows for develop, and Linux - Gentoo for production).
>It's work great. Database is SQL dialect 3.
>Warning. We don't use foxpro remote view. I found some incompatibilites
>bettwen them and ODBC driver (eg. quoted Identiefier - it's work only
>all metadata for Firebird is defined with upper case). I wrote some
>class for data access wich wrap "SQL Pass Through " function SQLCONNECT
>, SQLEXEC , etc .
>General Rule:
> 1 - Use SQL dialect 3
> 2 - To avoid problem with quoted identifier define all metadata in
>Firebird with upper case ( eg. select Field1 from TABLE - work if field1
>is defined with upper case , other must be select "Field1" from TABLE )
> 3 - Use most recent odbc driver ( aparently with new driver work
>and remote view - I don't tested yet)
> 4 - Use SQL Pass Through
can / will you opensource your /"class for data access wich wrap SQL
Pass Through function SQLCONNECT, SQLEXEC , etc ."/ ?