Subject Re: [firebird-support] Using Firebird with Visual FoxPro
Author Dorian

We have apps with firebird engine and foxpro for user interface.
I used Visual Fox 7.0, Firebird ODBC driver v1.2 , Firebird 1.5.1
(Windows for develop, and Linux - Gentoo for production).
It's work great. Database is SQL dialect 3.
Warning. We don't use foxpro remote view. I found some incompatibilites
bettwen them and ODBC driver (eg. quoted Identiefier - it's work only
all metadata for Firebird is defined with upper case). I wrote some
class for data access wich wrap "SQL Pass Through " function SQLCONNECT
, SQLEXEC , etc .
General Rule:
1 - Use SQL dialect 3
2 - To avoid problem with quoted identifier define all metadata in
Firebird with upper case ( eg. select Field1 from TABLE - work if field1
is defined with upper case , other must be select "Field1" from TABLE )
3 - Use most recent odbc driver ( aparently with new driver work
and remote view - I don't tested yet)
4 - Use SQL Pass Through


PS. Sorry for my english.

markausten@... wrote:
> I wonder if someone would be so kind as to give me a hand with a
> slight problem I have, aside from see a doctor, that is :)
> I am trying to evaluate the use of a 'real' database for use in the
> next generation of our software which is written in Visual FoxPro and
> currently uses xBase tables.
> Because our software is aimed at small retailers 99% of whom know
> nothing about computers let alone administering a database, I am left
> with only a few possibilities, one of which is Firebird.
> Now, FoxPro accesses non-xBase data either by using ODBC or ADO
> drivers and I have set up a number of the trial versions of both
> drivers for the evaluation. ADO works without problem and returns the
> correct recordsets as expected but it is not so easy to use an ADO
> recordset in FoxPro so I'd prefer to use ODBC which returns an xBase
> table. However there seems to be a problem with all the drivers for ODBC.
> When trying to create a remote view on a table in the test database
> using the view designer I get the error:
> Connectivity error: Dynamic SQL Error:
> SQL Error Code = -104
> Token unknown - line 1, char 21
> ,
> No matter which of the drivers I use the same error is returned. The
> test database and one empty table was created using the following script:
> /* Test.fdb */
> create database "d:\Data\Databases\Test.fdb"
> page_size 4096
> user 'SYSDBA'
> password 'masterkey'
> ;
> create table Lng
> (
> nLngPK integer not null,
> cLngKey varchar(30),
> cActive char(1)
> )
> ;
> The ODBC conection was created using the Windows ODBC administration
> wizard (WinXP) using a predefined data source rather than a
> connectivity string, although a quick test using a connection string
> gave the same result.
> If, however, I build the view manually, a tedious process to be
> avoided whenever possible, the process is sucessful.
> Has anyone any constructive ideas?
> I suspect that, since it is only the FoxPro view designer that has the
> problem, it is a problem with the view designer rather than anything
> else, but there is also the possibility that I'm doing something wrong
> and hence the call for help.
> I should mention that since we have over 7 years of developement of
> our products using FoxPro we will not be changing to any other
> development language in the near future, so answers to the effect of
> use VB/Java/C++/... etc will be ignored.
> Mark Austen
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