Subject Re: Firebird 1.5.1 SuperServer (debian sarge) crashes on select of stored proced
Author vandy899
--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@t...>
> At 07:12 PM 23/01/2005 +0000, you wrote:
> >Sorry, just tested a little additional thing - I executed isql with
> >same user (unpriveleged) and I get the same message - but as SYSDBA
> >I do not - and I get a lovely little note, but still same thing in DB:
> >"Statement failed, SQLCODE = -902".
> No gdscode? (9 digits). SQLCODE -902 is very broad-reaching - it
> encompasses filesystem permissions problems as well as db user
problems and
> various sorts of I/O error, including corruption...however, at the
end of
> the day, it probably only reflects the fact that the server crashed.
> What's the "lovely little note"?
THAT'S the little note: I went looking for a gdscode (as
documentation seems to hint at), but I couldn't see how to get it out.
> >In other words, it works as priveleged user - but not unprivileged.
> >This worked fine on Interbase 6.0.
> The trouble is, a permissions problem shouldn't cause the server to
A non-existant (I checked the permissions - the role adopted by the
user has sufficient privs) permissions problem should *definitely* not
cause the server to crash :)
> >If anyone has any hints, I'm happy to hear them - I couldn't see
> >anything from a google of this...
> >
> >--- In, "vandy899" <vandy899@y...>
> > >
> > >
> > > I'm having trouble with some code that worked on Interbase 6.0.
> > >
> > > The procedure is as follows:
> > > SET TERM ## ;
> > > PHONE VARCHAR(15),
> > > ADDR1 VARCHAR(35),
> > > CITY VARCHAR(15),
> > > STATE VARCHAR(15),
> > > ) RETURNS (
> > > ) AS
> > > DECLARE VARIABLE employeeid integer;
> > > DECLARE VARIABLE machineid integer;
> > > DECLARE VARIABLE location varchar (60);
> > > BEGIN
> > > BEGIN
> > > location =(ADDR1 ||' '||CITY||' '||STATE||' '||POSTCODE);
> > > incidentid = GEN_ID(GEN_SERVICE_INCIDENT, 0)+1;/* DONT INCR */
> > > if (machinename <> '') then
> > > select machineid from CLI_COMPUTERS
> > > where (machine_name=:machinename) and clientid= :clientid
> > > into machineid;
> should be into :machineid. Fb would have prevented you from
compiling this
> source. So - the next question is: how and where did you achieve that?
"isql-fb -user sysdba -pass lock.smith -i
~/python_daemon/def/WEBSERVICE_STOREDPROC.sql localhost:it320.gdb"
was how it went in - no complaints. Edited it to incorporate new
thing and still works.
> Also, there are accesses in the SP that would require a non-sysdba user
> (other than the owner of the accessed objects), and/or the procedure
> itself, to require SQL privileges.
Yes, and it has them - I checked - show grant on service_incidents,
CLI_COMPUTERS, and cli_shipto shows that the role adopted has them.
> > > if (machineid is null) then machineid = 0;
> > > select employeeid from cli_shipto S where S.LOCATIONID =
> > > :locationid into employeeid;
> Another illegal query, not accepted by Fb 1.5. Two corrections:
should be:
> if (machineid is null) then machineid = 0;
> select S.employeeid from cli_shipto S
> where S.LOCATIONID = :locationid
> into :employeeid;
> > > END
> > >
> > > BEGIN
> > > insert into
> > >
> > > mobile,phone,location)
> > >
> > >
> > > END
> > > suspend;
> > > END##
> > >
> > > Upon "select * from WEBSERVICE_CLIENT_INCIDENTS_I ('xxx', 'xxx',
> > > 'xxxx', 'xxxx', 'xx', 'xx', 'xxxxx', 'xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx')" (xs are
> > > valid data in app with PHP 4.3.10 (debian) or kinterbasdb (a python
> > > firebird interface). Using EXECUTE PROCEDURE doesn't help either.
> > > However, if I use isql it works fine.
> This is a puzzle and means it's not easy to suppose anything about
> going on.
> > >
> > > Is it something I did? The log just said "terminated abnormally",
> > > which doesn't tell me much... :(
> Well, it tells you that your request crashed the server - which
> happen at all. You do seem to have filesystem permissions and/or user
> privileges involved here at some point, but something is
structurally out
> of joint too, apparently.
> What means did you use to port the database from IB 6? And what
version of
> Firebird is it, actually? And is the DB dialect 1 or 3? What's the
> (ultimate) name of the client library? Is it possible your app is
> the wrong one? (There are several possible bad scenarios here,
depending on
> Firebird version and where the client app is connecting from...)
Dialect is 3, copied database at first, then deleted it (after
shutting down firebird) and used gbak to restore it from old backup.
> Are any events or UDFs involved in the application code?
> ./heLen
No events, but thanks for the heads up on the UDF - This isn't my
code, and that was in a trigger - my client used a rather unsafe UDF
that ran whatever command the person liked with the privs of the FB
user - *not* a good thing :) I'm eliminating that with the
introduction of events, tho... :) And I just eliminated it - and the
problem's gone. Thanks lots.

BTW : is the ultimate library...

