Subject This should be easy
Author delphifirebird
I posted this message on borland.public.interbase.sql, but one of
the luminaries there balked at answering a Firebird question and
claimed to not understand the question. Here it is:

I have a query in a boolean function (Delphi 7, Firebird 1.6, FIB
components) that gets a count of records matching certain criteria:

Result := (qry.Fields[0].AsInteger) > 0;

Although Delphi's debug inspector (View | Debug | Evaluate/Modify
after r-clicking in the IDE) shows these values:

(0, True, 'COUNT', $965C10, 0, 1, $9633E4, $965D74, False, False,
Unassigned, '', 496, False, False, True, 0, 0, nil)

following the above line's execution, the Result is True...? I would
expect, since the count is 0, that Result would be False. Is there a
more appropriate way of testing to see if any records exist matching
a set of criteria?

BTW, does anybody know what all these other values are that display
in the Debug Inspector? IOW:

True, 'COUNT', $965C10, 0, 1, $9633E4, $965D74, False, False,
Unassigned, '', 496, False, False, True, 0, 0, nil)

I assume True is the result and 'COUNT' is the type of SQL
statement, but the rest of them are "greek" to me...

OK, I don't necessarily expect anyone here to know the Delphi-
specific stuff, but who knows...