Subject Re: [firebird-support] port for event registering
Author Helen Borrie
At 02:06 PM 17/01/2005 +0200, you wrote:

Commenting on this one first:

>We are developing the client application in Delphi 7 using IBObjects
>evaluation version, event registering done by TIB_Events. I've already
>written to James Wharton, but got no answer:(

Jason Wharton and IBO don't have anything to do with your problem. It
would be pretty surprising if he replied to your email and gave you advice
on how to configure the firewall on a Linux server to accept event traffic.

>Hi. I am using Firebird SuperServer 1.5 with Red-Hat, I've got firewall too.
>The clients are connecting from outside, throught the firewall. I've opened
>the 3050 port for the connection, but when my client program is registering
>an event it gets the error:
>"ISC ERROR CODE:335544721
>Unable to complete network request to host "myhost".
>Failed to establish a secondary connection for event processing.
>unknown Win32 error 10060"

Port 3050 must be open, since it is the default port on which the gds_db
service is listening for connections. The "secondary connection" refers to
the remote port that you must open in your firewall if you use events.

>I consulted the firewall logs, and opened the port that it tried to connect
>to for event registering, but next time it was another port. I tried and
>tried, after a while tought it was a random port from 34700 to 34800, then
>to 34900.

That won't help; or, if it does, it will be by chance. By default, the
server seeks a random port to use as the secondary (or "auxiliary") port
for event traffic. What you actually need to do is open a port in the
firewall AND configure the RemoteAuxPort in firebird.config. This is
documented in the firebird.config file itself and also (in detail) in the
Firebird 1.5 release notes.

>can't even let it to chance, if it gets an opened port or not...

No, with a firewall, leaving it to chance has *at best* a very small hope
of success.
