Subject fbmgr says server could not start
Author Gentoolah Linuxlah
I'm using a Gentoo emerge version of Firebird which is Firebird 1.5.1. Everytime I try to
start my firebird fbmgr says "server can not start" and "please check $FIREBIRD/
firebird.log", but the server did start. when I did ps -aux , I can see the firebird thingy. I
did try to "su - firebird" and run the fbmgr but same thing happends...

buttercup root # /etc/init.d/firebird start <--- this actuall call "fbmgr -start -forever"
 * Starting Firebird server...
check $FIREBIRD/firebird.log file for errors
can not start server                                                      [ ok ]

As the system suggest I check the firebird log

buttercup root # tail -f /opt/firebird/firebird.log

buttercup (Server)      Fri Jan 14 01:53:43 2005
        SERVER/process_packet: connection rejected for firebird

buttercup (Server)      Fri Jan 14 01:53:43 2005
        SERVER/process_packet: connection rejected for firebird

buttercup (Server)      Fri Jan 14 01:53:43 2005
        SERVER/process_packet: connection rejected for firebird

Actuall the server runs.

buttercup root # ps aux | grep fb
firebird  6933  0.0  0.5  3720 1488 pts/0    S    01:53   0:00 /opt/firebird/bin/fbguard -f
firebird  6934  0.0  1.1 10276 2960 ?        S    01:53   0:00 /opt/firebird/bin/fbserver
firebird  6935  0.0  1.1 10276 2960 ?        S    01:53   0:00 /opt/firebird/bin/fbserver
firebird  6938  0.0  1.1 10276 2960 ?        S    01:53   0:00 /opt/firebird/bin/fbserver
firebird  6940  0.0  1.1 10276 2960 ?        S    01:53   0:00 /opt/firebird/bin/fbserver
root      7004  0.0  0.1  1376  440 pts/0    S+   02:07   0:00 grep fb