Subject RE: [firebird-support] FB, Delphi 7, IB components and transactions
Author Alan McDonald
> Hi again,
> I was just looking at this and changed the transaction's
> AutoStopAction from saNone to saCommit. When I then run the two
> instances of the program, insert a record in one, and do a
> refresh in the other, I see the new record count. Are there any
> downsides to doing this? This seems, to me at least, to make
> things work more like SQL Server with ADO, for example and how it
> works as far as seeing changes by one instance as made by
> another. Again, I am a newbie, so please excuse any ignorance.
> As an aside, I am not making calls to start, commit, and rollback
> transactions in my code as I am letting the Borland IB objects do
> the transactioning implicitly.
> Regards,
> Diego

IBObjects is NOT Borland related - do you use IBX components or IBOBjects
components? they are very different.