Subject Re: Firebird on Suse Linux
Author Steve Staneff

I believe you (the server user, possibly known as "firebird") need to get linux permissions to read, write, and execute on the directory where you're trying to put the db. See a good linux book for how to do this (I use Nemeth, Snyder, Seebass, and Hein's "Unix System Adminstration Handbook"). Also, I try to avoid 3rd-party utilities until I've got the system up and running - try using isql, gbak, etc from the shell.


>> Subject: Firebird on Suse Linux
>> I'm new to Linux but not Firebird. I've installed Firebird 1.5 on Suse
>> 8.1. I can access the employee.fdb from my XP PC just fine. Now I want
>> to use gbak to restore a backup from my XP desktop to the Linux Firebird
>> but I get an error "Permission Denied". The directory on Linux I've
>> created for the databases is /fbdata. What do I need to change to get
>> this to work?
>> I'm using GBak Runner to do this. I actually wanted to use IBBackup,
>> GUI wrapper for GBAK by Martin Schmid, but I can't find it anywhere.
>> I've used it before and liked it so probably have it at home but haven't
>> had time to look yet.
>> Thanks.
>> Don Gollahon
>> (don.gollahon@...)
>> "What in Eternity does it matter?"
