Subject Re: GDB file grows
Author tmiravet
I cannot say to you the exact value -I am not now where the
problematic BD is- but this morning I took a look at the statistics,
and I saw a value around 2000 in 'Oldest transaction, 'Oldest
active', 'Oldest snapshot' and 'Next transaction'. I realized it was
quite big, but I didn't know if those values where normal or not.

If you could give me some advise with this information, perfect, if
not, as soon as I could get the actual gstat information I will post

In any case, if, as you say, the transactions are messed up, what can
be done to fix them. This morning I have gbak and gfix the BD but it
seems it didn't solve the problem.

Thank you very much,


--- In, "Martijn Tonies"
<m.tonies@u...> wrote:
> Hi,
> Most probably, your transactions are messed up.
> Try a "gstat" to see the transaction counters and
> post them here.
> Do this when the file is "large".
> With regards,
> Martijn Tonies
> Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL
> Server.
> Upscene Productions
> >
> > We have a firebird database 1.0.3 Version WI-V6.2.972 installed
since some
> months. Yesterday we detected that the .gdb file was huge -18Gb-.
When doing
> a backup of such huge database with gbak, the .gbk file was about 20
> Mb -normal size-. And restoring the .gbk file we got a normal
size .gdb
> file -about 22Mb-.
> >
> > So, we delete the huge file and start working with the restore
one. After
> a while the size was 30Mb, after another while 50Mb, ... it seems
> something makes the .gdb file to grow, and it is not because such
volume of
> data is stored in the database.
> >
> > When we did again the gbak to the, at that point, 150M gdb file,
we got
> again a normal size .gbk file and the restored one had also normal
> >
> > Has anyone experience something like this? Any help is really
> >