Subject Re: [firebird-support] Problems with update command
Author Lucas Franzen

Joe Martinez wrote:
> I wrote the following query for a customer of mine who wanted to append the
> product's part number (from another table) to the product's
> description. Here's what I wrote:
> update products A set proddesc = proddesc || ' ' || (select first 1
> vpvendpartno from vendorproducts B where B.vpupc = A.prodbarcode and
> B.vpvendor = A.prodsource)
> where (select first 1 vpvendpartno from vendorproducts B where B.vpupc =
> A.prodbarcode and B.vpvendor = A.prodsource) is not null
> Questions:
> 1) When I run this query, it takes FOREVER. I ended up aborting it after
> about 4 hours. The PRODUCTS table has about 32,000 records, and the
> vendorproducts table has about 192,000. Is there any way to modify the
> above query to improve efficiency so that it doesn't take so long?

Fastest way should be writing a stored procedure that selects all
products and for every product looks up the desired value and sets the
description accordingly.

If you can't do that then write a small app that does this with two queries.

I think the problem is that your tables are not properly indexed for
this select (what plan do you have?)

> 2) When my customer tried running it, he got the following error:
> ISC ERROR CODE: 335544321
> arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation
> What could cause that error?

That at least in one case the resulting field ( proddesc || other values
that you concatenate here) is longer than the proddesc is declared.
Length of entry Length of appended value
30 10 ok
40 10 ok
40 11 not ok, since Result is 51
1 40 ok
1 50 not ok

and so on...

If you do it with a stored proc let the Stored proc checjk the length of
the new value before trying to apply it (or handle the error internally
in a WHEN clause)!
